My MIL Let Her Friend Use My Clothes and Makeup While I Was on a Business Trip – Karma Worked on Them Better than Any Revenge


My MIL Let Her Friend Use

My mother-in-law let her friend raid my closet while I was away. Little did they know, karma would step in with a shocking twist that made revenge look tame.

Ever had someone raid your closet while you were away? Now imagine it’s your mother-in-law’s bestie playing dress-up with your designer clothes. I’m Karen, 32, entrepreneur and mom, and I just lived through this nightmare…

A frustrated woman sitting on a chair | Source: Pexels

A frustrated woman sitting on a chair | Source: Pexels

A couple of weeks back, I was packing my suitcase for a week-long business trip to New York when my mother-in-law, Janet, waltzed into my bedroom.

“Don’t worry about a thing, dear,” she said, patting my arm. “I’ll take good care of Dave and your daughter Marly while you’re gone.”

I forced a smile. “Thanks, Janet. I appreciate it.”

A senior woman smiling | Source: Pexels

A senior woman smiling | Source: Pexels

As I zipped up my bag, Janet’s eyes wandered to my walk-in closet. “My, you have such lovely things, Karen.”

I nodded, trying not to roll my eyes. “Thanks. Well, I’d better get going. My flight’s in three hours.”

Janet waved as I headed out. “Have a safe trip, dear!”

Oh, what a sweetheart my MIL was, or so I thought. I welcomed her help with open arms. Turns out, I should’ve kept them CLOSED.

A woman with a suitcase | Source: Pexels

A woman with a suitcase | Source: Pexels

Two days into my trip, I was in the middle of a meeting when my phone buzzed. It was a text from my neighbor and best friend, Lisa.

Lisa: “OMG, you’re not going to believe this! Do you know someone named Sheryl?”

Me: “Sheryl? No, why?”

Lisa: “Well, Sheryl, Janet’s friend, is basically living in your house right now! She’s wearing your clothes and using your makeup!”

Me (Freaking out): “WHAT?! Are you serious? That’s insane!”

Lisa: “You need to see this.”

A video popped up on my screen.

A woman in pink suit holding a smartphone | Source: Pexels

A woman in pink suit holding a smartphone | Source: Pexels

I excused myself and ducked into the hallway to watch it. My jaw dropped as I saw a middle-aged woman prancing around my living room in my favorite red dress, applying what looked like my Chanel lipstick.

I called Lisa immediately. “What the hell is going on?”

“I don’t know,” Lisa said, sounding as shocked as I felt. “This woman’s been coming and going from your house whenever Dave’s not around. I thought maybe she was a relative or something, but then I saw her trying on your clothes and cosmetics through the window.”

A senior woman applying lipstick in front of the mirror | Source: Pexels

A senior woman applying lipstick in front of the mirror | Source: Pexels

My blood boiled. “That’s definitely NOT a relative. Thanks for letting me know, Liz. I’ll handle this.”

I ended the call, my mind racing. Who was this Sheryl, and why was she playing dress-up in my house?

I was about to explode! I can’t believe this is happening. But with three more days of meetings, I’ve got to keep my cool.

When I finally got home, I burst through the front door, ready for a confrontation like never before.

An angry woman gaping in shock | Source: Freepik

An angry woman gaping in shock | Source: Freepik

“Janet?” I called out.

Dave appeared from the kitchen, looking confused. “Hey, honey. How was your trip?”

I ignored his question. “Where’s your mother?”

“She’s upstairs with Marly. What’s wrong?”

Without answering, I stormed up to our bedroom. The sight that greeted me made my stomach churn.

My walk-in closet looked like a tornado had hit it. Clothes were strewn everywhere and makeup containers were left open and crusted over. But what made my heart stop was my wedding dress, crumpled on the floor with a massive red wine stain.

A wine-stained wedding dress lying on the floor | Source: Midjourney

A wine-stained wedding dress lying on the floor | Source: Midjourney

“What just happened here?” I gasped.

Janet appeared behind me, holding Marly’s hand. “Oh, Karen! You’re home early. We were just about to tidy up.”

I whirled around, and I swear I could’ve devoured Janet alive. “Tidy up? TIDY UP? Janet, what have you done to my things?”

Janet simply shrugged, like it was no big deal. “Now, dear, don’t get upset. It was just a bit of harmless fun.”

“Harmless?” I sputtered. “My wedding dress is ruined!”

A smiling senior woman crossing her arms | Source: Pexels

A smiling senior woman crossing her arms | Source: Pexels

Dave rushed in, his eyes widening at the mess. “Mom, what’s going on?”

Janet wrung her hands. “Well, you see, my friend Sheryl was in town, and she had a date. She needed something nice to wear, and since Karen has such lovely things…”

I cut her off. “You let a complete stranger USE MY CLOTHES AND MAKEUP?”

“Sheryl’s not a stranger,” Janet protested. “She’s my best friend. I thought you wouldn’t mind. She was just BORROWING them.”

A furious woman holding her head | Source: Pexels

A furious woman holding her head | Source: Pexels

Dave’s face darkened. “Mom, that’s completely out of line. You had no right to touch Karen’s things, let alone let someone else use them.”

Just then, the doorbell rang. Dave went to answer it, and I heard an unfamiliar voice.

“Oh, hello! I’m Sheryl. Is Janet here?”

I stormed downstairs, ready to give this Sheryl a piece of my mind. She stood in the doorway, a smirk on her face that quickly faded when she saw me.

A shocked senior woman covering her mouth | Source: Pexels

A shocked senior woman covering her mouth | Source: Pexels

“Oh, you must be Karen,” she said, her voice sickeningly sweet. “I hope you don’t mind that I borrowed a few things. Janet said it would be fine.”

I took a deep breath, trying to keep my cool. “Actually, I do mind. Very much.”

Sheryl’s smirk returned. “Oh, come on now. What’s a little sharing between friends?”

“We’re not friends,” I said through gritted teeth. “And what you did wasn’t sharing. It was trespassing and theft.”

An angry woman pointing her finger to the side | Source: Freepik

An angry woman pointing her finger to the side | Source: Freepik

Sheryl’s eyes widened in surprise. “My, aren’t we dramatic? It was just a bit of fun. No harm done.”

I was about to unleash a tirade when Dave chimed in, pointing at the door. “I think you should leave now, Sheryl. And don’t come back.”

As Sheryl huffed and left, I turned to Janet. “I want you out of my house. Now.”

Close-up of a man pointing his finger | Source: Pexels

Close-up of a man pointing his finger | Source: Pexels

The next few days were tense. Dave was furious with his mother, and I was still seething. But as angry as I was, I decided to take the high road. I wouldn’t stoop to their level.

“Let karma handle it,” Lisa advised over coffee. “What goes around comes around.”

I nodded, sipping my latte. “You’re right. I’m not going to waste my energy on revenge.”

Little did I know, karma was already working its magic.

A woman drinking a cup of beverage | Source: Pexels

A woman drinking a cup of beverage | Source: Pexels

A week after the incident, my phone rang. It was Janet, sounding frantic.

“Karen, I need your help. It’s Sheryl.”

I sighed. “What about her?”

“She’s in the hospital. She had some kind of allergic reaction. Her face is all swollen and covered in a rash.”

I couldn’t help but feel a twinge of satisfaction. “That’s terrible. But what does it have to do with me?”

A woman talking on the phone | Source: Pexels

A woman talking on the phone | Source: Pexels

Janet’s voice dropped to a whisper. “The doctors think it was caused by the makeup she used. Your makeup.”

I tried to keep the glee out of my voice. “Oh, that’s unfortunate. I hope she’ll be okay.”

“She’s mortified,” Janet continued. “She had to explain to the doctors how she got the rash. It was so embarrassing for her.”

I bit my lip to keep from laughing. “Well, actions have consequences, Janet.”

A woman sitting on a chair and talking on the phone | Source: Pexels

A woman sitting on a chair and talking on the phone | Source: Pexels

There was a pause on the other end of the line. “I know, dear. And I’m truly sorry for what we did. It was wrong of me to let Sheryl use your things without permission. Can you ever forgive me?”

I took a deep breath. “It’s going to take some time, Janet. You really hurt me and violated my trust.”

“I understand,” she said softly. “I’ll do whatever it takes to make it up to you.”

As I ended the call, Dave walked in. “Was that my mom?”

I nodded. “Yep. Karma’s already working its magic.”

A couple talking | Source: Pexels

A couple talking | Source: Pexels

Over the next few weeks, Janet bent over backward trying to make amends.

She replaced all the makeup that had been used, paid for my wedding dress to be professionally cleaned, and even hired a closet organizer to put everything back in order.

One evening, as we were putting Marly to bed, Dave turned to me. “I’ve been thinking about what happened with my mom and Sheryl.”

I raised an eyebrow. “Oh?”

Close-up of a man holding a woman's shoulder | Source: Pexels

Close-up of a man holding a woman’s shoulder | Source: Pexels

“I think we need to set some clear boundaries with her. What she did was a major violation of our privacy and trust.”

I smiled, feeling a warmth spread through my chest. “I couldn’t agree more.”

Dave squeezed my hand. “I’m going to talk to her tomorrow. Let her know that if she ever pulls something like this again, she’ll risk losing contact with us and Marly.”

I leaned in and kissed him softly. “Thank you for having my back.”

He grinned. “Always.”

A couple holding hands | Source: Unsplash

A couple holding hands | Source: Unsplash

The next day, Dave had a long talk with Janet. When he came home, he looked both relieved and a little sad.

“How did it go?” I asked, handing him a cup of coffee.

He sighed. “It was tough but necessary. I told her she needs to respect our boundaries if she wants to be a part of our lives. She cried a bit, but I think she finally understands.”

I nodded. “And Sheryl?”

“Mom promised she wouldn’t be coming around anymore. Apparently, the whole makeup incident was pretty traumatic for her.”

I couldn’t help but chuckle. “Well, I guess karma really does work in mysterious ways.”

A woman chuckling | Source: Pexels

A woman chuckling | Source: Pexels

Dave wrapped an arm around me. “You know, I’m proud of you for not seeking revenge. You took the high road, and it paid off.”

I leaned into him, feeling content. “Sometimes, the best revenge is just sitting back and letting the universe do its thing.”

As we stood there, I realized that this whole ordeal had actually brought Dave and me closer together. And as for Janet? Well, she was on her best behavior now, finally respecting our boundaries.

A couple on the couch embracing each other | Source: Pexels

A couple on the couch embracing each other | Source: Pexels

In the end, I didn’t have to lift a finger. Karma worked better than any revenge I could have plotted. Janet learned her lesson, Sheryl was out of our lives, and Dave and I were stronger than ever.

Moral of the story: Never mess with someone’s stuff. Karma’s got a way of sorting things out better than you ever could. And sometimes, it does it with a sense of humor that’s better than anything you could have cooked up yourself.

A woman enjoying tea | Source: Pexels

A woman enjoying tea | Source: Pexels

Here’s another story: Someone locked up my Mom in a closet during my wedding ceremony. We were shaken to discover who did that to her.

This work is inspired by real events and people, but it has been fictionalized for creative purposes. Names, characters, and details have been changed to protect privacy and enhance the narrative. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, or actual events is purely coincidental and not intended by the author.

The author and publisher make no claims to the accuracy of events or the portrayal of characters and are not liable for any misinterpretation. This story is provided “as is,” and any opinions expressed are those of the characters and do not reflect the views of the author or publisher.

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