Former Staffers Speak Out Against Kamala Harris


It is disheartening to learn that some former staffers of Vice President Kamala Harris have come forward to describe her as a “bully” who created a toxic work environment.

These individuals claim that her degrading tirades often left them in tears. As we delve deeper into this issue, it becomes evident that Harris’ leadership style has led to an unprecedented staff turnover rate.

According to a report by non-partisan watchdog Open The Books, out of the initial 71 staffers hired by Harris in her first year in office, only four still remain. This astounding staff turnover rate stands at 92 percent, which raises concerns about the Vice President’s treatment of her team.

Former Staffers Speak Out

During my research for the recently published Harris biography, “Amateur Hour,” I was shocked to hear the horror stories recounted by my sources. These instances of mistreatment date back to 2010 when Harris served as California’s attorney general. Even then, she was known for running a toxic work environment. One source disclosed that interns frequently came back crying, feeling undervalued and unappreciated.

Unfortunately, these negative behaviors seem to have persisted when Harris was elected as a U.S. senator in 2016. Her office ranked ninth in staff turnover out of the 114 senators who served between 2017 and 2020. Congressional sources even revealed that she would subject her subordinates to expletive-laden tirades.

Notably, this abusive behavior extended beyond her own party lines. During the highly contentious confirmation hearings for Supreme Court Justice Brett Kavanaugh, Harris berated a room full of Senate staffers, indiscriminately targeting both Democratic and Republican employees. This incident exemplifies the toxic nature of her behavior.

In November 2019, her State Operations Director at the time, Kelly Mehlenbacher, shared a sensational resignation letter with the New York Times. In it, she criticized Harris’ treatment of staff, stating that she had never seen an organization treat its employees so poorly. Mehlenbacher expressed her disappointment at the lack of consideration for the staff members who were abruptly laid off and emphasized the importance of addressing internal communications issues.

Regrettably, it appears that Harris’ behavior towards her staff has not changed since becoming Joe Biden’s vice president. The Washington Post interviewed current and former staffers who spoke candidly about the challenges of working with Harris. They described her lack of preparedness and her constant soul-destroying criticism, which creates an environment where they feel as though they are propping up a bully.

Earlier in the year, Politico reported that some staffers believed her office was abusive. Individuals claimed that people were frequently thrown under the bus, and there was a general lack of support and mistreatment.

It is imperative for leaders, regardless of their position, to treat their staff with respect and empathy. A healthy work environment is one where individuals feel valued, supported, and treated fairly. It is crucial for leaders like Kamala Harris to address and rectify this issue. Only through positive leadership and collaboration can we foster a healthy and productive work environment.

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