Waitress Refused to Wait on Our Table Because We’re Old – She Soon Regretted It


My husband Harold and I had been looking forward to this dinner for weeks. Meeting our granddaughter Lily’s boyfriend for the first time was a big deal. We got all dressed up and arrived at the restaurant early.

It was such a charming place, but it took the waitress 20 minutes to get to our table, even though the restaurant was pretty empty. When she finally did, she looked annoyed and didn’t even greet us, just asked what we wanted to drink. We ordered a tea and a coffee, and I noticed that she didn’t write our order down. It took another 15 minutes for our drinks to get to our table, and they were wrong. I asked her, as politely as I could, to switch them, and she just rolled her eyes and snatched the cups away.

A young waiter brought us the correct drinks later, and it was clear our waitress had ditched us. When I went to ask for the restroom later, I overheard her complaining loudly to her coworkers about having to serve “an old table” because “they never tip well.”

I wasn’t stunned, but her lack of effort started to make sense. Soon after, our granddaughter Lily arrived with her boyfriend, Mark. He was a handsome young man, clearly well-off, and seemed very polite. The waitress’ attitude did a complete 180 when she saw them! She rushed over, explaining that the young waiter was just helping out for a moment, and she would be taking care of us for the rest of the evening. Suddenly, she was all smiles, jokes, and perfect service. It was like she was a different person entirely.

The dinner went smoothly, and we enjoyed getting to know Mark. But here’s where it gets interesting: when it was time to leave, Harold and I ⬇️

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